Lau Haizeetara is a free portal of digital objects whose objective is to collect, organize, manage, difusion and preserve, in open access and complete text, the digitalized bibliographic collection of the Regional Library, guaranteeing the preservation of its funds in digital format and increasing the visibility and impact of Bizkaia's bibliographic heritage for better knowledge, difusion and conservation.

The repository includes printed works of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the collection of incunabula, manuscripts, a wide selection of works of the nineteenth century, the collection of cartography and engravings and the newspapers and personal archives deposited in the Library. The collection will be expanded periodically in order to difund its knowledge and facilitate its use, with the protection otorgued by the Creative Commons License.

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©Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia-Diputación Foral de Bizkaia